Monday, August 8, 2011

Working a lot lately... I'm happy about all the hours, but I am so tiiiired. ): I wish the weather would be better too! It's raining all the time.

The results from the last two life drawing classes! Starting off with some 10-30 second poses to get warmed up...

 A little more detail here!

 Finally, some 15-20 minute poses. I started shading with black colored pencils ontop of my regular pencil shading... it gives off a faux-charcoal look and helps add contrasts, I find!

 Inking practice! Because if there's anything I *really* fail at, it's inking. Can't do anything right on the first try. )8 But, I think this turned out nicely, and I might do it again soon!
... and finally some Dragon Age just because. I keep having my characters have love triangles with Anders and Fenris, apparently... it's amusing. (and if you couldn't tell, Hawke #1 sided with Meredith and her templars, Hawke #2 is going to side with Orsino and the mages)

Probably going to life drawing for the next two weeks, yaaaaay, so I may or may not have a billion anatomy studies coming up... depends on how the sessions go~

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