Friday, December 2, 2011

A few sketches! Since I updated my Tumblr with the sketches of the month this week and a few hadn't made it here yet. Hopefully I'll have more time to draw this month. (and I should! 19 days before winter break uuuughghghuuu)

Quick gestures/slightly longer study! (I had like two more pages of these but they looked atrocious :B )

Various doodles!

A bit more elaborate, random character concept. Might render this a bit more eventually. 


  1. AAAAAAAAAND she's counting the days till her winter break... lol
    poor you. It'll be over before you know it.
    Beaux sketch Jan!! J'aimerais être aussi bonne... i LOVE the quick sketches. Love the green girl doodle. :-)

  2. hahaha you know it! I think this break is going to do me a lot of good :)

    Merci! J'ai hâte d'avoir le temps de faire des choses plus élaborées!
