Monday, February 3, 2014

I've been focusing on art a lot more lately and I'm glad! Things are a bit weird right now, life-wise, I'm in sort of a transitional period with very big changes on the horizon. 

Sat down and drew on paper! What a concept. Trying to get myself to do it more often, and eventually, when my schedule will allow it, do some actual life drawing again. But, for now, drawing off artist reference sites will have to do. :P

A pile of 60 second/2 minute poses. 


And some magical girls, just BECAUSE 

Tried my hand at drawing a village or something. I need so much environment practice, it's definitely something I'm going to try and push this year.

A random thing I worked on at work during lunch/downtime over several weeks. Painting on a Cintiq is so great, and I really want to invest in one (or one of the cheaper brands) eventually. C:

A Frozen piece I started a while back! I didn't really expect much from the movie due to the harsh criticism it received in the months before it came out, but I ended up really loving it! 

And finally, a sneak peek at what I'm working on right now. :) Re-worked version of something I painted in 2010.

If you haven't already, check me out on Tumblr! I recently revamped the layout.

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